The only trouble was, they faced worse foes than mere Germans.
His own land is his worst foe now, and little can he do against it.
The worst foe in war, Seydlitz had been told by one of his instructors, was often one's own arrogance.
They are worse foes than I expected them to be even after we learned of their abnormal technological growth.
He has been a worse foe to gladness than the Puritans.
Our worst foes are not belligerent circumstances, but wavering spirits.
We have a worse foe within than all the men of Burgundy without.
No species, however, destroys more coccids and aphids, the worst foes of many plants.
His rheumatism was not his worst foe, now.
Ladies, fear not, while Rienzi lives, the wife even of his worst foe is safe and honoured.