The next dawn brought proof that the sea could throw up hardships far worse than anything yet inflicted on Sharpe and Harper.
Always fastidious, Claudia experienced the worst hardship of her captivity when her efforts to cleanse herself properly failed.
He has also capitalized on the growing concerns about the campaign as well as grumbling over three years of particularly bad economic hardship.
Well, I have endured worse hardships than a cold bed, and I was not going to press the matter.
All we can hope for, from them, is a few measures to ameliorate the worse hardships of 4 years under the coalition.
The Panic of 1893 was the nation's worst economic hardship to that point, and North Dakota's strong agriculture-based economy was directly affected.
Physical proximity was not the worst hardship for the residents of the stronghold.
I'm sure you've suffered worse hardships during the past several years than losing a bit of weight.
The worst hardship yesterday seemed to be at Newark.
Knowing that they would be sent to another prison camp and endure worse hardships should the run out of artifacts, they repeatedly "discover" the same ones.