Taxpayers have already covered $140 billion of FHFA losses from these bad mortgages and the amount is expected to go much higher.
But even with more than a million in hand, Newt couldn't overcome Barney, who was taking in like maybe a hundred dollars for every bad mortgage.
A review of nearly 2,600 insurance companies released yesterday shows that most remain financially secure, despite the industry's problems with junk bonds and bad mortgages.
Leading the problem list is bad commercial mortgages.
Unfortunately, all the bad mortgages and the resulting credit crisis have dragged down our economy and threatened the financial well-being of all Americans.
Why should the tax payer support bad mortgages and loans?
Investors warn that the bank's exposure to bad mortgages could depress its stock for years to come, perhaps falling from the current $11 to $2.50 by 2013.
Instead, people talk of tinkering with the financial system, as if what just happened was caused by a few bad mortgages.
We are not going to create a facility to dump bad mortgages on the market.
If 10% of Fannie and Freddie's mortgages (held or insured) defaulted, this would amount to $550bn in bad mortgages.