"That's a bad scrape on your forehead," Michael said.
Katz had gotten out of far worse scrapes than having Mossad angry with him.
No famous Rides, no bad scrapes until this one.
"I'll bet the lieutenant's been in worse scrapes than this in his career, right, sir?"
Colonel Scharn got a broken collar bone and a bad scrape on the head, so he's not been much use in leading any hunt.
We had a bad scrape and lost twenty-six men, captive.
The 7-pound baby had a bad scrape on the back of his head but was otherwise unscathed.
Behind one wall was a car, a three-year-old four-seater model with a bad scrape on the ground-effect skirt.
The medipacks were working on the worst scrapes, no bones were broken that he could find.
He had seen commanders get cops out of worse scrapes than this.