Millington had been blocking badger holes so that foxes couldn't escape the hounds by hiding in them.
Teesside magistrates heard they put a terrier with an electronic collar down a badger hole.
Last week two badger holes at nearby Newmarket were thought to be graves, and the police cordoned off the area.
Getting by in the wild means always thinking ahead, not only to sidestep danger, such as traps or badger holes, but to recognise what is useful.
Immediately behind me, my badger hole folded in on itself and smoothed out again, leaving lawn behind.
The space between these growths was as close and dark as a badger hole and thick with mist.
And the little misshapen beings of the hills would be searching out deserted badger holes to cover them from the night.
On all sides were fresh badger holes and the mounds of pocket gophers, both of which were well insulated from the fires.
To make roads out of these trails horse drawn blade graders were used to level out hummocks and fill badger holes.
While exploring the gardens, Mary comes across a badger hole and finds a key belonging to the untended garden.