The most likely conclusion is that the battle was a tactical draw, with both sides withdrawing, badly bloodied, to defend their own lands.
Mullins, badly bloodied, had little choice but to go off.
One'd been badly bloodied on the right side of the head and his ear was in tatters, apparently from a Corl's teeth.
Mr. Turks was badly bloodied on the mouth.
The 10th Connecticut relieved the exhausted, but not badly bloodied, 25th Massachusetts, but they too could not advance.
Their bodies, badly bloodied, were found sprawled outside Mrs. Simpson's condominium.
Edward swung again but he rolled out of the way and got to his feet, his face badly bloodied from the blindsided attack.
Badly bloodied, Sigmon conceded after the seventh round.
In this task they failed, and, badly bloodied, were forced to retreat.
The Lynx had been badly bloodied by her travails; she had survived extraordinary odds.