The first few pages were badly crumpled, and the book's spine was bent, as if it had been clutched in a tight grip.
It was the third letter from Paul Prentham, envelope and all, and not too badly crumpled.
One tank was found 60 yards away, and was badly crumpled and torn.
One sled had been totaled and its crew of three killed; a second sled had been badly crumpled, the starboard gunner killed, and pilot and port gunner badly injured in the midair head-on collision.
His tie was knotted crookedly and badly crumpled.
Many of the ships were badly crumpled, their data crystals shattered beyond repair.
The right front fender was badly crumpled a couple of weeks ago when a criminal slammed into it.
He had on the same clothes as the night before; in the daylight, she could see that they were of fine quality, but stained and badly crumpled.
It was very badly crumpled.