The police found two people dead and a third badly maimed.
He had also named his heir, the second son Gwarthegydd (the eldest had been badly maimed in fighting some years back).
There were puncture wounds in the necks, perhaps from screwdrivers, and the faces had been badly maimed.
Both bodies were badly maimed.
They will go back underground after being shot, probably badly maimed.
It seemed to him that the problem was beyond the solution of a man who had as his working equipment one badly maimed and bandaged hand.
A total of 148 people were injured in the explosion, 19 of them seriously, including people who had lost eyes and were badly maimed.
Ashleg the marten had a wooden leg and his entire body was twisted on one side as if it had been badly maimed.
The great hulk released Nettles and, to my astonishment, he professor was not badly maimed.
Then, on their way to Deepsoil Five, there was a disaster, one wagon completely lost, several people badly maimed.