Work on the Main Reading Room is starting quite literally at the top, as the murals have for a long time been badly marred by broad, chalky patches where water has ruined the surface.
She is immedi- ately remorseful and pulls it out, but it is too late; the delicate silver has been badly marred.
Its image has been badly marred by persistent reports of the wide use of psychiatric confinement as a method of repressing dissidents.
Haiti's parliamentary and local elections, the first nationwide voting since the end of military rule, were badly marred by questionable rulings on candidate eligibility, careless handling of ballots and the reported killing of a legislative candidate.
Specifically, in its original form the third proof is badly marred by technical errors.
Lam's face was badly marred and Shishedo takes her place in the coffin by disguising himself as the deceased singer.
It was a simple, elegant construction-and the only one they had seen so far which was totally without rust-but it was badly marred, all the same.
The dispute has badly marred the start of the trade organization, the rule-setting and dispute-resolution body that was created on Jan. 1 as a more powerful successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade organization.
The present effect was badly marred by electric panels which obviously didn't light, and by three uffts sprawled out and sleeping comfortably on the floor.
No attempt was made either to restore or replicate the original ceiling murals by James Wall Finn, which were badly marred by chalky patches caused by leaks.