Indeed, the ten military ships comprising their escort were badly outclassed: thePassage had three battle pods in reserve, with the others triple-targeted.
"But even with its wacky situations and hyperactive ska music, it's been badly outclassed by Nintendo's Wario Ware series."
The Detroit Free Presss account of the game reported that Michigan was "badly outclassed at center and could not withstand Minnesota's rush."
Though the human side had been badly outclassed in weaponry, they had at least managed to hurt their attackerwounded it sufficiently to make it pause for refitting.
They were badly outclassed, caught between Roman legionaries with their horse archery and Rick Galloway-trained Tamaerthans.
The Drake team was reported to have played "pluckily," but was "crippled and badly outclassed."
He's badly outclassed some pretty solid fighter with his combination of volume striking and cardio.
Attempting to become the first Hispanic to win the world Heavyweight championship, Ocasio was badly outclassed and lost to Holmes by a knockout in seven rounds.
After losing by just 7 points at Temple 10 days earlier, Fordham regressed last night in one of its poorer efforts of the season and looked badly outclassed.
The Ju 87 Stuka dive bomber was badly outclassed in all respects and, after taking some savage beatings, the Sturzkampfgeschwader were withdrawn from the Battle.