Despite their enormous advantage in numbers the Chinese troops had been badly outgunned.
Lacking sufficient cannon of their own, the Guardsmen were badly outgunned by the enemy.
I say this without malice, Lady Firebird, but your Navy will be badly outgunned.
But the Prince's forces are badly outgunned, their leadership has been driven from the capital, and it was not clear how much resistance they could muster.
In any case, the patrolmen spend most of their time simply guarding their buildings because they are badly outgunned.
Badly outgunned, the ship eventually ran out of ammunition.
Reminded myself they were still dangerous-and we were badly outgunned.
They were using heavy, rifled guns, and the three Union ships were badly outgunned.
I had five rounds left and was badly outgunned.
Voyager was badly outgunned, but she was built for maneuvering and had a barnstormer at the helm.