If damage is extensive, or if siding is badly warped, decayed areas should be cut out and replaced.
It could have been the result of someone's badly warped idea of making life imitate the Bible.
The pinewood roof was flat, but badly warped and prone to leaks.
Christy's sense of morality has been badly warped; she thinks the Charmed Ones are actually evil.
The bottom drawer was unmelted, but badly warped and, as she found when she wrapped her shirttail around her hand and pulled, tightly stuck.
Enough, at least, to indicate that Turk was adhering to some sort of code, though his ideas were badly warped.
Several of the bars and pistons were badly warped and were striking one another, which caused the awful din.
He came up holding a piece of pale wood, badly warped: It was smoothly rounded at one end, broken off jaggedly at the other.
The security door was off its hinges and badly warped.
He groaned as they dropped him; one of his wheels, badly warped, whirled lopsidedly.