The company also operates four plants that manufacture bagel dough and cream cheese spread and expects to open another in Calgary, Alberta, this month.
They also make a fine bagel twist and a terrific pretzel made of bagel dough.
Waiting to be baked in a refrigerated room in the basement of the Roslyn shop are racks and racks of bagel dough.
At its most basic, traditional bagel dough contains wheat flour (without germ or bran), salt, water, and yeast leavening.
Therefore, bublik dough is generally sweeter and denser than that of bagel dough, and they are usually glazed with egg yolk.
"We took away the hole - we straightened out the sides," Mr. Moloff shouted, holding up a hot dog encased in bagel dough.
The bagel dough includes egg and honey.
Andra watched the magnified microbes as their images grew, their ring shapes filling out like bagel dough rising.
In addition to the usual bagel dough, it comes in a delicious combination with pumpernickel.