A former assembly worker for the old General Motors plant in Tarrytown, he particularly likes baking cornbread, cake and biscuits.
She loved to garden, bake biscuits and cook chicken.
She liked to tell people about the time she was baking biscuits and asked her first husband to go get some cigarettes.
The company is clearly selling its Britishness hard, even baking "biscuits" for the occasion.
Housewives were prompted to bake biscuits in the shape of birds, wheels and swastikas for their children.
("On her deathbed, my grandmother confided that my mother never did bake good biscuits.")
Baking Mix Tips In today's fast-paced world, who has time to bake delicious brownies, biscuits, and other desserts from scratch?
A cookie sheet is a metal tray thing that you bake biscuits on.
With no fire, she couldn't bake biscuits or roast anything.
The custom was to bake white biscuits and paint them as window decorations.