Set in a fanciful version of ancient Egypt, the player starts out homeless and unskilled but soon learns to plane boards, bake bricks and build kilns.
For building houses, bakes bricks were used extensively at Chanhudaro and Mohenjo-daro.
In a deep valley, a thick dome-shaped pile of bricks exudes white smoke from a opening at the top as a handful of farmers bake tiles and bricks fashioned from ocher-colored clay.
According to many legends, and as told by the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, he became an evil tyrant who forced all his subjects to bake bricks for the Tower of Babel.
In 1831, Jean Laborde introduced brick roof tiles that soon began replacing rice stalk thatch in Antananarivo and the surrounding areas, and disseminated the technique of using a kiln to bake bricks.
I ought to be baking bricks or turning out shoes.
Star-travelers while the Sumerians were learning to bake bricks.
She explains that every adult villager had mastered just about all of his or her culture's technology - whether it was how to make oil from wild nuts, bake bricks for a house or find the right grasses to weave into thatched roofs.
Many Third World people use firewood to bake bricks, which contributes to deforestation (New Scientist, vol 96, p 489).
In his version, the three princes command all persons to bake bricks for the Tower of Babel; however, twelve, including several of Joktan's own sons, as well as Abraham and Lot, refuse the orders.