Khanom mo kaeng - a sweet baked pudding containing coconut milk, eggs, palm sugar and flour, sprinkled with sweet fried onions.
It is a steamed dessert which consists of flour, baking powder, sugar, whole eggs, vanilla aroma, and cocoa powder or chocolate mixed together to make a batter and steamed or baked similar to Christmas pudding.
Similar to a cobbler or a bread pudding, it consists of a baked pudding made with layers of sweetened and spiced fruit and buttered bread crumbs.
Another trolley brought dessert, traditional bonet, a baked pudding flavored with cocoa and amaretti.
She seems to be having outrageous fun with creations like these: baked lemon pudding with candied lemon jam, and a cornmeal almond cake accompanied by a medley of roasted peaches, apricots and berries with zabaglione.
Persimmon pudding is a baked pudding that has the consistency of pumpkin pie but resembles a brownie and is almost always topped with whipped cream.
The dessert is chocolate, a warm baked pudding for two, which is best made about an hour in advance.
In cookbooks, rhubarb tends to be used in pies, crisps and betties (baked puddings), often combined with strawberries.
This hearty cornmeal-and-molasses baked pudding, eaten by both Indians and settlers, should reign as the state dessert, Senator Moore said.
For example, a recipe for a baked pudding that incorporates manchet is included in "Things Not Generally Known, Familiarly Explained," citing The Queene's Royal Cookbook of 1713.