One way antidepressants work is by altering the balance of certain chemicals in your brain.
Studies have shown that severe or long-lasting stress can change the balance of chemicals in the brain that control mood.
Other chemicals called hormones may affect the delicate balance of chemicals in the brain.
It is thought to work by restoring the balance of certain natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain.
Keep the right balance of chemicals in the body.
Acamprosate is believed to work by restoring the natural balance of chemicals in the brain (neurotransmitters).
It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural chemicals in the brain (neurotransmitters).
The third system requires a special balance of chemicals to closely match seawater.
It works by affecting the balance of certain natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain.
Like drugs, vitamins change the balance of chemicals in the body and may cause unwanted side effects.