This promised 10-12 points in his methods, but was expected to show a balanced hand.
It shows a relatively balanced hand with 9-12 points and no five-card major.
Half a century ago it was used to mean a very powerful balanced hand, with perhaps 28 high-card points.
South's bidding shows 16-18 points, a balanced hand and no major suit.
How strong a balanced hand is needed to act over an opposing three-bid?
One club was strong, and the two-diamond response showed a balanced hand with 8 to 10 points.
First, South has shown a balanced hand with about 14 high-card points.
South's sequence indicated a balanced hand with roughly 20 points.
Forcing to game, with balanced hand and a good club suit.
In his system this showed a strong balanced hand, which was not quite what he had.