Rubwerumwe: A precariously balanced rock on top of a tall but thin pillar type rock.
One of its forefeet came down atop a precariously balanced rock and it collapsed, legs flailing.
It is comparable to the balanced rock in North Salem, New York.
Halfway between the balanced rocks was a square that seemed to have been etched into the ground by the pattern of sunbeam and shadow.
A checkered region between the balanced rocks.
Each consists of balanced rocks perched above smaller supports.
They worked tirelessly, pushing their frail bodies into the blackness, ton upon ton of delicately balanced rock above and around them.
But a delicately balanced rock a hundred yards below his camp site toppled over and slid downhill.
The loose stuff did not travel far, but the original balanced rock bounced and rolled for some distance before it came to rest.
After that I crawled to the balanced rock, a huge boulder resting upon a tiny base no larger than the palm of your hand.