He pushed his hood back and she noted the receding hairline, the balding crown.
His brown hair was receding on each side of a widow's peak and there was a balding crown at the back.
I could see a faint scar under the thin hair of his balding crown.
John of Longwood was a burly, bearded man of fifty, with a balding crown and neat, deliberate movements.
Pitman had a narrow face with a sharp nose; Blanchette was larger, with chubby cheeks and a balding crown.
If these emotions stirred under the stubbly balding crown, Charlie showed none of them.
Wulghash flushed all the way up to the balding crown of his head.
The mayor is a towering presence at 6 foot 5, with a balding crown of white hair.
Ryan's eyebrows are now halfway up to his balding crown as he looks at the jury.
Lindsey peered into his cup, then looked at her, rubbing a hand over the balding crown of his head.