The baleful effect of the Worm World on human civilizations was more widespread and more subtle than anyone like Vezzarn could guess, and not limited to the Nuri raids.
Instead, we hear voices cautioning against reducing military expenditures because of the alleged baleful effect on the economy.
You "strongly oppose" a candidate because you believe he'd have a baleful effect on our lives.
That the hospital searches everyone mitigates this baleful effect slightly, because no employee is being singled out for special scrutiny.
It gives little away to write that a difficult heroism emerges: one with older, deeper roots than the heroics that have bloomed on both sides over the generations to such baleful effect.
Ms. Noonan is concerned throughout about the baleful effect of television violence, about the breakdown of the family, about the collapse of norms.
This "flight to quality" had baleful effects on the economies of all nations including the United States and Japan.
Keats's poem had a deep influence on Edgar Allan Poe's sonnet "To Science", specifically lines 229-238 and the discussion of the baleful effects of "cold philosophy":
It's usually not expressed so boldly, but the notion that the "lower orders" are particularly susceptible to obscenity's baleful effects has proved remarkably persistent.
Stocks of trucking companies may also be spared any baleful effects from high gasoline prices.