Earlier this season, Westbrook was bothered by a balky knee, and rumors spread here - inaccurately - that he might need surgery.
O'Neal missed a bunch of games this season because of toe surgery, battled balky knees and sutures in his hand and still won his third straight title.
Despite a balky knee that required off-season surgery, Giambi played in 156 games.
The goalkeeper Bente Nordby has mended her balky knee.
This could be Houston's last training camp with the Knicks if his balky knees continue to bother him.
Barry Bonds is a free agent, and his balky knees may make being a designated hitter more appealing.
On Sunday, Houston participated in a game-day shoot-around for the first time since mid-March, when his balky left knee forced him to the sideline.
Playing despite a balky knee, Watters was the only ball carrier for the Seattle offense in the half, carrying 15 times for 38 yards.
He has been troubled by a nagging back, a balky knee, all kinds of ailments.
The balky knee, the sore wrist, the string of demoralizing losses as he tried to dominate games the way he once did?