The ball caromed off the railing in front of the stands and eluded Ralph Bryant, the right fielder.
And in what seemed like a replay from olden days, the ball eluded both of them, plopping fair by inches, tying the score.
The ball eluded center fielder Curtis Goodwin and went all the way to the fence.
Just then, the ball eluded one of them and bounced Mingolla's way.
The ball eluded his outstretched glove and two runs scored.
It was a strikeout, but the ball eluded catcher Greg Myers momentarily.
But he was defenseless as the ball eluded him and rolled to the warning track, making most of the 56,292 fans groan.
But this time, the ball eluded Rowand, and Chávez rolled into third.
The ball has always eluded me.
The volley continued several more times, until the ball eluded Team One's front player.