You have to be a great ball striker this week to walk away with the title.
Hogan is widely acknowledged to have been one of the finest ball strikers that ever played the game.
He's a young guy on tour and an extremely good ball striker.
Chamblee is a good ball striker who grew up in the winds of Texas.
One of the best ball strikers in history, Agassi has never required much room or leverage to make his point.
For all his reputation as a great ball striker and pressure player, he has yet to win a major on a course that has significant rough.
Each has been the consummate course manager, patient, a ball striker who hit more greens than anyone else.
I think this will ultimately help him become a better ball striker, and it'll build on his desire to win more.
Nick is one of the best ball strikers out here.
You look at the great champions here, a lot of them are wonderful ball strikers.