She originated character roles in several ballets choreographed by Massine, then ballet master and a choreographer and dancer with the company.
Basically, it's a program of ballets choreographed for me over the years.
It was Rudolf Nureyev's idea to rescue from oblivion and disrepute the first of the symphonic ballets choreographed by Leonide Massine.
Her roles in ballets choreographed by Victor Bartholomin and Jean-Antoine Petipa met with critical acclaim.
The 673 costumes were designed by Alfred Grévin, the two ballets choreographed by M. Justament.
A year later he was a principal dancer - at age 16 - and had created roles in two ballets choreographed by the company's artistic director, John Clifford.
Her farewell performance took place on June 27, 2010, and consisted of ballets choreographed by Balanchine and Martins:
In the new ballets, especially choreographed for these bioenhanced bodies, the dancers executed sustained movements no natural body would have been capable of making at all, at a speed that never looked machine-like.
She has also performed in many ballets choreographed by the Royal Ballet's most important choreographers, Sir Frederick Ashton and Sir Kenneth MacMillan.
Mr. Gordeyev, who is still a principal dancer with the Bolshoi, has included on the Moscow Ballet tour two short ballets choreographed by himself.