But in Japan, 90 seconds would foil commuters who depend on trains' connecting to one another with balletic precision, often with only a couple of minutes to spare.
It was a total body-mind discipline requiring balletic precision and hair-trigger expressive reflexes.
Milton Shulman in The Standard wrote, "The cast, in spite of characters that are often too sentimental and too one-dimensional for credibility, provide ensemble acting of almost balletic precision."
There was the "I'm Princess Grace and he's Cary Grant" version, marked by balletic precision, head-snapping turns and a refrigerator's worth of distance between partners.
A scene that juxtaposes working-class industry (set to Ms. Parton singing "Nine to Five") with ruling-class indolence is staged with balletic precision.
American audiences were shocked by her flimsy see-through costumes that emulated the flowing gowns of ancient Greece, and her choreography, based on natural movement, was unintelligible to audiences and critics accustomed to Petipas' balletic precision.
Their outlines fell apart with balletic precision as a vaguely hypnotic bass line thumped in the background.
Here, staged with balletic comic precision, it shifts the focus from Timon's anguished rage to the discomfort of his guests.
From the opening session of elaborate boxing and coxing by agents and briefcases in, out and around swimming pool changing cubicles with almost balletic precision, the pace hardly drops.
The changeovers of the rope crews had been planned with almost balletic precision.