The story concerns an American naval officer who encounters a mysterious force during an investigation in a balloon accident in the Swiss Alps.
An American naval officer, assigned to investigate a balloon accident in the Alps, has to contend with a mysterious force.
Only two other fatal balloon accidents have been recorded in New Zealand, both occurring near Christchurch.
He held the seat until his disappearance and presumed death from a balloon accident at the age of 37 in 1881.
One of the initial frustrations of Enduring Love is the eclipse of the balloon accident.
It is not much of a secret that Dughuilas is suspected of planning the balloon accident.
Mum and dad have been in a balloon accident.
An American probes a mysterious balloon accident in the Alps.
The whole unfolding situation, from the balloon accident to the stalking, has begun to thrust into relief the hitherto tolerable differences in their characters.
Balloons Fatal to 8 in 1990 The accident was the fourth balloon accident in the country this year involving a fatality.