Once the balloon has landed, the envelope is deflated and detached from the basket.
Suddenly, balloons of all colors floated from the sky and landed on the field.
Somewhere the balloons will land, and people will read the notes from the children who have learned to mourn.
When daylight came, the anchor rope was cut loose and the balloon landed with perfect safety.
The balloon soon towed the vessel in to the shore and landed.
This cycle repeats each day, and at the end of about a week, most balloons have used up their ballast and must land.
Unfortunately, the balloon drifted away, and finally landed in a farmer's field.
The balloon landed and the first person to reach them was Fitzgerald.
The balloon rose to about 3,600 feet and landed near Woodeaton, around six miles away.
Two years ago, for instance, a balloon landed in an automobile dealership and set 44 cars ablaze.