It includes the blind mole rats, bamboo rats, root rats, and zokors.
These features are least extreme in the bamboo rats, which spend at least some of their time above ground, foraging for food.
So, I suppose a few bamboo rats and leaf monkeys might have survived or returned to the area.
The lesser bamboo rat (Cannomys badius) is a species of rodents in the Spalacidae family.
Some people also sell exotic meats, such as bamboo rats or pheasants.
Another study could not establish contact with bamboo rats as a risk factor, but exposure to the soil was the critical risk factor.
The hoary bamboo rat (Rhizomys pruinosus) is a species of rodent in the Spalacidae family.
The bamboo rats are four species of rodents of the subfamily Rhizomyinae.
Chinese bamboo rats are sold in food markets in China.
Indeed every fifty years, armies of bamboo rats descend upon rural areas and devour everything in their path.