She put her vodka down on the bamboo table and tossed the banana out into the sand.
The leaves of the palms stirred to a breath of wind, and their shadows moved across the bamboo table.
Charteris took his grip to the bamboo table under the window.
She slams the phone down, shaking the bamboo table.
As I sat talking with this reasonably attractive but rather chatty girl at the rickety bamboo table my nerves were crawling, just below the skin.
She put it down on a bamboo table beside Bond's chair.
A fat candle in a hurricane lantern burned on a bamboo table that held food and drink.
He was served on the bamboo table, drawn up close to the couch.
She arranged the rose orchids in a red jar and placed them near him, on the bamboo table.
They sat at a round bamboo table, drinking icy beers.