Another gap is the lack of laws banning false or misleading advertisements for financial services.
It would ban advertisements by outside groups that use candidates' names in the 60 days before an election and 30 days before a primary vote.
It also banned political advertisements before an election to level the playing field for candidates who face a wealthy opponent.
In February 2013, China banned advertisements for luxury goods on its official state radio and television channels.
This is why the government can ban advertisements for cigarettes and false information on corporate prospectuses (which try to sell stock in a company).
Mr. Giuliani suggested that the board should ban such advertisements for some period before the election.
It also bans spam, or unsolicited e-mail advertisements.
A 1925 Amendment extended the power to ban advertisements for films.
While a report on obesity had been issued in September 2008, the deputies rejected an amendment banning advertisements during television programs for children.
In the republic most people first hear about a new book by Mr. Adams through reports that broadcasting regulators have banned advertisements for it.