In 1986, Congress banned so-called "cop-killer" bullets that were either Teflon-coated or made of certain metal alloys.
We need to ban bullets for handguns, semi-automatic weapons and other weapons that are used primarily for killing people.
Beyond that, Congress needs to ban such bullets from the market.
Prime Minister Tony Blair should also ban plastic bullets, which the police have not used elsewhere in Britain.
The committee unexpectedly passed an amendment to ban "cop-killer" bullets.
Like legislation the Assembly has passed in previous years, the bill would ban armor-piercing bullets and puts stricter controls on legal gun sales.
He noted that in Congress, he had supported bills banning so-called cop-killer bullets and plastic guns.
One says he's for banning cop-killer bullets.
"Now again there are people who are against banning cop-killer bullets," the President said.
Then there is that recurring staple of Mr. Clinton's campaign speeches: his call for legislation to ban cop-killer bullets.