However, Astor managed to convince the United States Congress to ban foreigners from trading in American territory.
In 1997, Russia banned foreigners from buying locally traded shares in Gazprom to prevent the government from losing control of the company.
There was also mention of reform of the church and royal government, particularly to do with banning foreigners from official positions.
But the court upheld an order by Ramos banning foreigners from attending the conference, citing national interests.
Irritation Rather Than Panic Moscow has banned foreigners from the republic.
Restrictions: Mexico's Constitution bans foreigners from freehold ownership within 30 miles of the coastline or 60 miles of any border.
By the early 1930s, the Japanese colonial administration had largely banned foreigners from Christian proselytizing, and most Christian missions focused on education, medicine, and care for the indigent.
Tourism in Abkhazia is illegal under Georgian law through an action of the Georgian government to ban foreigners from entering the occupied territory.
At the same time the newly independent Slovenia adopted legislation banning foreigners from owning property in its territory.
Madame Rakia disapproves of the new law banning foreigners, seeing in it the demise of yet another aspect of Egypt's cosmopolitan past.