Extending a ban imposed three weeks ago, the Government today suspended import permits on 24 more models of military-like semiautomatic rifles.
B.P. Koirala and other party leaders arrested, government and parliament dissolved, ban imposed on political parties, many civil liberties suspended.
The ban on tools used to create graffiti "imposes reasonable conditions on a limited class of individuals," Mr. Taussig said in an interview late yesterday.
Environmentalists say the ban on crab fishing imposed four years ago has not led to a recovery.
A distinction should be drawn between the imposition of conditions under sections 12 and 14, and a ban imposed under section 13.
Any ban on zone pricing, she said, would "essentially be imposing a new price control" that would eliminate competition to the detriment of retailers and customers alike.
The freeze follows a ban on travel to the European Union's 25 member states, and a similar ban the United States imposed this week.
The French ban on face covering imposes participation in citizenship education, and/or a fine of up to €150, for those who violate the law.
Any such ban would impose severe limitations, especially in viticulture.
Aureliano Coutinho, as the leader, was completely excluded from political life: "the result of an implicit, if unspoken ban imposed by Pedro II".