A law banning the importing of opium into the United States went into effect.
The constitution also bans the admission of any non-Christian into the council.
Thai authorities threatened to arrest foreign protesters and ban them from future entry into Thailand.
I request the Government to investigate the matter and ban her entry into the country if the allegations are right.
As I understand it, Grendel has been driving death bans into young students of wizardry for years.
So that fall, without registering a single vote of opposition, Congress banned the dumping of sewage into the ocean.
Two years later, the district magistrate banned his entry into Malebennur and surrounding areas.
There was also almost unanimous agreement within the temporary committee on banning funding for research into reproductive cloning.
I would also thank him for banning personal imports of meat and dairy products into the EU.
For obvious ethical reasons there is at present a consensus within the international scientific community on banning research into human cloning.