In 1864, Congress passed a statute banning current members from representing the interests of private clients before the federal agencies whose appropriations Congress controlled.
The law bans lobbyists and members of their immediate families from contributing to any candidates for state office.
A major grievance, she said, was an order by the academy's secretary banning members from taking leave of absence without pay.
This purification process is carried on in many ways, such as banning former members of the communist parties from involvement in public positions.
They want to ban Christian members of the body politic from a seat at the table of our constitutional republic.
Additionally, the government passed a law banning members of religious congregations based outside Germany.
Instead he finds himself abused and beaten by the land owner for breaking a rule that bans members of Nathu's community from entering the temple.
I'm not a fan of religion, but banning and torturing members of a peaceful one is indefensible.
The party has banned members from discussing who should be its next candidate for president until a national convention later this year.
In exchange for the raise, Congress would have banned members from accepting the honorariums, speaking fees, that some authorities consider to be no better than bribes.