The board, whose members are appointed by the President's staff, has drawn up guidelines that ban nudity "except for medical or historical reasons," and too much blood.
Since its inception in 2005, YouTube has banned nudity and taken down copyrighted material when rights holders file specific complaints.
Matheson instituted a policy banning frontal nudity in the magazine, which had become a staple of the magazine's content.
The state of Missouri recently passed a similar law to that of Houston and Detroit banning full nudity in strip clubs across the state.
University officials said the written rules did not specifically ban nudity, out of concern that anything so specific would only encourage it.
A bill in the Wisconsin legislature, for instance, would ban nudity on all state-controlled lands.
We are not trying to ban nudity on Fire Island.
Some communities along the 32-mile barrier reef have posted signs banning nudity as well as loud radios, pets and picnicking.
The court held that an ordinance banning public nudity did not violate the operator of a totally nude entertainment establishment's constitutional right to free speech.
Mr. Herman's proposal to ban nudity along a 2,000-foot stretch of beach would cut the area available to naturists in half, and force them further east.