Michigan and Oklahoma have voted to ban the sale of alcohol energy drinks over health and safety concerns.
Seventy-two percent of the participants favored banning pesticides over controlling radon in homes.
The Indonesian government announced plans immediately after the accident to ban jets over ten years of age for any commercial purpose.
Censors banned the complete story for over 20 years in the mid-19th century because it made the Tsar appear foolish.
State authorities tried to ban all production over fears the video would damage their image, the area and prospects of staging the 2004 Olympics.
A 2000 state law banned direct sales of cigarettes over the Internet and by telephone or mail.
It was then decided to ban private air traffic over Central Berlin.
YouTube and many other websites banned the video over concerns that it glorified child abuse.
So they did something about it, banning over 6,200 paid accounts, which has led to a huge drop in server utilization.
It is our duty to ban the most dangerous chemicals and exercise control over all chemicals in general.