Many states ban ownership regardless of the date of manufacture.
This is due to a variety of factors, chief among them the recent enforcement of a 1972 law in India banning ownership of snakes.
It has campaigned for legislation banning ownership of wild animals in the few states that have not yet made it illegal.
Some individual states following the example set by the federal law and passed even tighter restrictions, sometimes banning ownership of the knives outright within their state.
Think of the recent huge House vote against banning the sale and ownership of semiautomatic weapons.
The ordinance, by the way, banned private ownership of handguns within the village.
The Government continues to ban outright foreign ownership of land, a restriction many see as a strong deterrent to investment here.
The world's biggest security companies could be forced out of the lucrative South African market under legislation that would ban foreign ownership of such businesses.
The inefficiencies that can result from such an arrangement are one reason some franchisers ban absentee ownership, at least for the first year.
Under the Soviet system, the centralized economy of the republic banned private ownership of income producing property.