But a total ban on billboard advertising could prove unconstitutional.
The ticketing ban has proved to be a formidable hurdle because the big European airlines are so dominant in their home markets.
All three coaches said they felt that last season's ban on outsiders could prove salutary in the long run.
That an appellate court just last week overturned the ban, passed after the Legislature overrode her veto, would prove small consolation.
They said the team ultimately relented out of concern that the ban would prove a distraction during the regular season.
Curfews may be imposed, and the carrying of weapons is banned in the townships, though in the past the ban has proven difficult to enforce.
Intended to curb piracy, the ban proved ineffective for that purpose.
That ban, though only selectively enforced, has proved unpopular and appears to have put a bit of a damper on the festivities.
The official added, without specifying, that other measures would be taken to block a Baath resurgence if the ban from office proves insufficient.
A complete ban on smoking in restaurants and bars has proved not just practical, but also good for business.