He compounded the error by banning organized rallies by political parties.
Opposition parties said the decision to ban rallies was unconstitutional and against freedom of expression.
It has banned political rallies here in Katmandu and issued shoot-to-kill orders to its security forces.
In March 2000, Musharraf banned political rallies.
The laws passed this week will allow the government to ban political rallies and make it difficult for the opposition to hang posters and distribute campaign literature.
However, a new amendment to Armenia's law passed by parliament allows the authorities to more easily ban new rallies.
On the same day, police banned political rallies in Harare.
The military government banned political rallies and earlier this year, arrested hundreds of members of both those politicians' parties before a planned event.
On Sept. 26, Mr. Sharif struck out at his enemies, banning political rallies by the opposition under anti-terrorism statutes.
The Movement bans party conventions and rallies.