This would have left states free to ban sodomy, as long as they did so in an evenhanded way, treating heterosexuals and homosexuals alike.
The first crash, people on both sides say, could be in June, when the Supreme Court is expected to rule on a case involving a Texas law banning sodomy.
For example, his "Supreme Court" refers to the high court's recent decision upholding the rights of states to ban sodomy.
On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he linked a lack of respect for private property rights with state laws banning sodomy.
"Aggravated rape in the first degree" bans sexual intercourse or sodomy with a child under 13.
The protesters cited Justice Rehnquist's vote last year in upholding a state's right to ban sodomy, his record on civil rights and statements against the proposed equal rights amendment.
The repeal of DADT did not alter the language of Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which bans sodomy by service members.