Banning cars and trucks has been tried with success in Madison, Wis.
When it reopened on October 15, 2001, strict new regulations were enacted banning single-occupant vehicles and trucks from entering the tunnel.
Several accidents involving semi-trailer trucks caused local politicians to try to ban trucks from the tunnel.
Thus, on 23 May 2005, she proposed to ban trucks from the roads on Sundays and on public holidays.
They argue that a better alternative would be to ban trucks from Lamberton Street.
The Assembly voted 75 to 0 to ban trucks weighing more than 26,000 pounds from the route.
Markets are being "hardened" by, among other things, banning cars and trucks during business hours.
The Civic Association has had signs posted banning heavy trucks.
Germany, Croatia's leading supporter, has banned Serbian aircraft and trucks from crossing into its territory.
Critics say the department could have saved millions and achieved the same traffic reduction by simply banning trucks instead of building the tunnel.