The painting is structured with Brown's characteristic linear energy, and emphasis on apparently grotesque and banal details, such as the cabbages hanging from the ship's side.
As the Usher explains fiercely, "The most banal detail becomes meaningful since the tiniest thing will embody the most sublime idea."
Big psychological themes are seamlessly woven into banal details that are comic until they suddenly turn and explode into brutish acts of violence.
Her gift is for weaving the banal details of love, career and family with the mystic world of dreams and ghosts into one seamless fabric.
The challenge then is not to let responses slip into life's more banal details.
He's a show-off, and he's a nerd on a mission, fascinated by even the most banal details of police procedure.
But this being the trial of an accused master terrorist, even the banal details of eye wear can take on extra significance.
Rarely has ordinary existence seemed so multifaceted and enigmatic, even in its banal everyday details.
The narrator's flirtations with banal detail (e.g., a promise to her ex that she'd always check the car's oil and water) come much too close to the real thing.
"It was the beauty of banal details that was inspirational," Coppola explained.