The band's drummer, Phil Collins, steps up to be lead singer and frontman after the band auditions some 450 singers.
The band auditioned roughly two to three drummers a day, and their top choice was one of Lombardo's recommendations.
Based on Perkins' recommendation, the band auditioned Navarro and subsequently hired him.
Legend has it that the band auditioned 60 drummers before they found Aynsley Dunbar.
The band auditioned for Must be the Music in the summer of 2010, wowing the crowd at their first audition.
The band wanted to add a second guitar player to allow Justin to focus more on singing during shows, and auditioned guitar players in 1999.
After Mr. Brabenec joined, the band auditioned once again for professional status - and was approved.
The band played their first dance in August 1958 and auditioned with Festival Records in 1959.
The band auditioned ten bassists, although none proved successful.
Needing a singer, the band auditioned an acquaintance of Pete's, Joe Elliott.