Take an old Rascals song for example - there's everything from marching band beats to soul music to country sounds in one song.
Well, doesn't that beat the band?
The band comes after him, beats Fuller, and hounds Simon out of the city with Marty in tow.
Together the band of women wailed and sang out, beating cymbals and drums.
The little band beat a retreat down the marble halls.
The band also describes themselves as being the "supersonic-philharmonic", in reference to their blending of rock music, classical instruments, synthesizers, and beat loops.
Slowly the place was emptying, and the band beat more slowly, the thick air grew less oppressive.
Without an in-house advocate, the band beat a quick exit.
At first, the band had beat influences and Schenker himself did the vocals.
Ireland's band of part-timers and foreign imports beat Pakistan in Kingston, Jamaica.