In New York City at the end of the 20th century, new bands coalesced around the old post-punk sounds.
As the band coalesced into its final lineup in 1979-80, Duran Duran started playing at a local Birmingham club called "The Rum Runner".
But Robert Smith, the Cure's singer and lyricist, hasn't allowed his melancholy to lift for two consecutive songs since the band coalesced in 1978.
The band coalesced when the three members were roommates in Olympia.
In females there will always be a dark streak present in the cell while the band may coalesce and extend to base.
The band coalesced at the Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music in North Adelaide.
They pressed back, not knowing what was happening until a band of energy crackled into formation in front of the helm and coalesced into humanoid shape.
Another question is whether the band of Republicans who want change will coalesce behind one bill or splinter.
But just as impressively, he and the band managed to fragment the tunes, with each musician taking an idea and ruminating over it until, suddenly, the band coalesced.
And around her the band coalesced into rock-hard grooves, or fell away, leaving her to sing against the sound of turntable scratching.