Local trained bands often had divided loyalties or refused to serve outside their own counties.
The bands divide at the knee in the front of the pants, and end in a stirrup around the heel.
The band divide their time between working at home in London and touring internationally.
Great bands divide opinions so to each their own.
The band moved out to a rented house in Kisa during the winter of 2004 and divided themselves in teams to write music.
Despite garnering local popularity, the band dissolved after a short career due to internal tensions stemming from age divides and alcohol abuse within the band.
His white throat was bordered with black, and a band of black divided the throat from the white line above each eye.
Vertical bands of equal width fill the canvases edge to edge, each band divided into two blocks, one above and one below.
Since 2006, the band has largely divided its time between Portland, Oregon and San Francisco, California.
A broad green band divided the buff from the black.