The band strongly objects to these claims, proclaiming that the masks are used to draw the attention away from themselves as individuals and put it on the music.
The band across his forehead and long braid that fell halfway down his back proclaimed his pride in being Indian.
A band of pearls about her forehead, the ends twisted in her braids, proclaimed her rank.
The bands and loops on his sleeve, the heavy gold on cap and shoulderboards, proclaimed him to be an admiral of the Royal Navy.
Upon seeing the candid photo, the band proclaimed that they wanted to use it as the album cover.
And again in "Finally Found a Home" the band proclaims its newfound sophistication with this paean to growing up.
At the dance, the band proclaimed their band's name to be "The Van Helsings".
In 1845 a band of adventurers commanded by Ribbotti entered the city and proclaimed a constitution which was soon abolished.
Black Kettle's dwindling band proclaimed their desire to live peacefully alongside European Americans.
"When I cry for me I cry for you," the band proclaimed in "In the Meantime."