And every Halloween, a band of Tennessee fans storm his backyard to decorate it with reams of orange toilet paper.
Later an armed band of loyal tribal warriors stormed the prison and set him free.
The band then stormed in with one hit after another, after another, including "Hero," "Learn To Fly," and new singles off Wasted Light.
AC/DC has been a tonic for rock purists since the band first stormed out of its homeland in 1976.
After the homecoming queen was crowned, the band stormed into its "Carmen" show.
About 6 P.M., an angry band of local residents stormed La Plaza, ousting about 25 people.
Almost Famous - where Russell is electrocuted by the microphone and the band duly storm out of the gig, groupies and all.
He said that bands of youths had stormed into his store, then fled after stealing food and knocking over shelves.
Moments later, a 12-person band in full marching regalia stormed the room, playing the lush horn-driven classics of the Nigerian folk artist Fela.
The band at one point stormed the Stock Exchange, causing the doors of the Exchange to be closed early (2:52 P.M.).